Uniforms may simply involve wearing a standard T-shirt or top. Although Bostein points out Americas education system seems to be the main issue in preparing our children for the future, he is a bit too extreme with this ideas. Social conformity is a key motive for school uniforms. Education is more than schooling. Hooray!! The most well-known Americans, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln? Some are numerical and scientific geniuses, while others have an enviable passionate way with words. Conformity does give results in the shape of well-adjusted kids, but at the cost of passionate, creative, smart and lively individuals. This happens when an individual is intrinsically motivated to accept the influence because he agrees with the ideas and actions involved. And why do we do things we dont really want to do? This paper went really well for most of you; this is a natural skill that we just need to hone for collegiate and professional writing purposes. hose in favor of uniforms claim there Not enough sleep isnt healthy. Conformity, on the other hand, can occur among people of equal or unequal social standing, through spoken or unspoken influence from others in the group. A society needs people who are willing to draw their own conclusions in order to improve their life as well as those who live in the community. Conformity was first studied by Jenness while studies which are related with individuality include twin studies and adoption studies. Individual inspires change, pushes everyone forward and allows society to improve. Kokemuller has additional professional experience in marketing, retail and small business. In evolutionary terms, going against ones group could be costly, and social cohesion was critical for the groups overall success. Conformity is the compliance with group norms or laws while individuality refers to the quality that distinguishes a person from others. It should be a place of expressing ourselves freely in a learning environment without having to worry about what we wear as an interfering issue. Which do you prefer? Prioritizing individuality in the schools allows students to be free of constraints, and to increase their want to learn through being able to differentiate and personalize their schedules. Public school or Private school: which ones better for your teen, Alternative School Options for Troubled Teens. The amount of interest in education and acceptance of individuality is soon lost after finishing this system. Dr. Iroise Dumontheil, author of research regarding the development of students, declared that it was not due to lack of motivation that students have trouble focusing in school. As both the standards of school work and stress levels of students rise, the American school system remains unaltered, unchanged, and unaffected for over a hundred years. Especially since a lot of the time low SAT or ACT scores are not due to a lack of intelligence, but instead to test anxiety, nervousness, large amounts of pressure, or other factors. This type of outlook is what gives conformity a negative reputation. Recently, this issue has come to the fore via Elizabeth Weils essay in the New Republic, American Schools Are Failing Nonconformist Kids. Both individuality and conformity are essential in society. Press Telegram: 20 Years Pass Since Long Beach Unifieds Historic School Uniform Policy. How Can Parents Help Their Teens Explore their Sexuality? The percentage of late students dropped around 3% from the 2011-2012 school year to to the 2013-2014 school year. The teacher is talking and you dont take any notes. Individuality vs. Conformity: The Issue Behind School Uniforms P. Caruso Published 1 September 1996 Education NASSP Bulletin When we consider whether or not to implement a school uniform pot- icy, we need to understand the validity of each proponent's arguments. In this essay, Weil discussed the approaches adopted by teachers to keep children disciplined, focused and motivated in the classrooms. In Finland the school day is fifteen percent shorter than the school day in the United States, but their test scores are much higher. School is an institution that can serve as a massive gate in life granting you access to a job, stability, and a future or it can become a giant pillar in the way of everything you wish to achieve. Individuality Vs Conformity 524 Words3 Pages There are ways to better a school 's atmosphere and to correct or even eradicate certain behaviors that are plaguing the lives of children and teens alike; the path that some high schools and middle schools are taking is the implementation of uniforms. Also, qualified teachers and faculty members should be put in charge of molding and shaping students into successful individuals who are prepared for life beyond high. Numerous adolescents are not getting enough rest and this is often because of early school begin times. Conformity came from the Latin word conformare and is synonymous with obedience and conventionality while individuality came from the medieval Latin word individualitas and is synonymous with personality and identity. Americas high schools are in desperate need of help. It emphasizes that a certain individual has his own beliefs, needs, desires, responsibilities, rights, etc. This is stronger as compared to compliance since it involves public and private conformity; however, it may stop when the individual leaves the group. Freely sharing any and all relevant information, regularly assessing group norms to determine if theyre helpful or harmful, and having the courage to speak up when things arent right can stop groups from engaging in destructive behaviors. The first part of the day would include teachers introducing new topics, or testing on what was previously taught. Almost every other parent is advised to give ADHD medicines to their kids, so that they remain calm and focused in the class. This quotation accurately sums up the problems of our education system. The educational system is flawed and it does not prepare students to become successful adults. Some people think that school days should be longer to improve academics for students.The US lags behind other countries in core subjects. With their work being the source of inspiration of many to simply having a likeable, repeatable demeanor, there is no doubt that to be regarded in that special collective of individuals. Conformity teaches you about fitting in a working society, and individuality teaches you about being yourself and not blending in too much with the crowd. Like Gutting said colleges sometimes give unnecessary courses, so it can be hard to be interested in something that in no way relates to your major. The pressure to buy the latest fashion can create stress on students, especially those who come from families without the financial means to keep up with classmates. Students should feel there is a purpose in going to school and getting an education. A recent study shows that students are tired throughout their school day, 60% of children under 18 say that they are tired throughout the day (National Sleep Foundation 1) As Brunswick students are exhausted throughout their day and it is showing that by the grades from students. That is to say, generally in this country, those who graduate from high school, move on to college, and earn a degree, most likely which would allow them to enter into the workforce and earn a comfortable living, are viewed as more successful than individuals who do not complete high school and or college. In the article title "Individuality vs. Conformity: The Healthy Middle?" by an anonymous high school student it says that there are only two thing that a typical high school student wants to typically achieve in their short high school life (par. Of course there will be some mixing of the two that will produce the best engineers and the best students. In todays society, not graduating from high school or college is symbolized as shameful. I agree with this source, starting schools later could enhance students school performance academically and athletically. An adults brain is developed enough to understand and remember multiple topics in a day, but doesnt have to, whereas a student has to remember many topics, in a wide range of subject areas, but is not mentally developed well enough to do so. Because of the lack of sleep students face, it poses serious problems for them the next day inside and outside of the classroom. How can overscheduled teenagers attend sports practice or club meetings, finish all of their homework, and perform any family or job obligations in such a short period of time? In my opinion, they educated us on things that our time in school did not. width: 22px; "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion. As human beings, we always encounter the critical decision in our daily lives of whether to pursue individuality or conformity in various situations. It appears to be. During school, students follow rigid schedules and high . When we work in groups, it can be extremely difficult to discern what an individual actually thinks about something. Often, designer clothing influences the likelihood that children will be popular in school. A desire to be accepted, to not make waves, or to punish non-conformists has motivated bullying, exclusion, and even large-scale atrocities. Cite it is acting or thinking differently from the way you would act and think if you were alone (pg 188). A schedule is a timetable of class meetings that should help to achieve the purposes of a school (Deighton, 1971). This occurs when an individual adjusts his behavior to be able to be a member of a certain group. Arthur Dobrin D.S.W. So, they can improve the odds of adolescents getting sufficient sleep so they can thrive both physically and academically. Today, the desire for acceptanceor the drive to fit inremains a basic human instinct for the vast majority of people. A shift in the conformity versus individuality attitude concerning mandatory classes and curriculum would cause several benefits to both students and schools. School uniforms have long been common in parochial schools, but a number of public schools also have uniform standards. Also, we will be able to be well rested, and ready for a new school day. This type of social influence was first studied by Arthur Jenness(1932) who asked research participants to individually estimate how many beans does a bottle contain. While cooperating in a working society can help deflate uprising problems, getting used to changes, and completing work fast and easy, it can also make your personality go from special to bland. A desire for social harmony is another major driver of conformity. For these important and practical reasons, schools should not change school start times. Each student has their own unique personal interests and passions. Throughout this paper, the focal point will be assessing how these views are applied, both inside and outside the classroom. How Society Affects the Behavior, Attitude, and Character of Teens, How Parents Can Keep Their Teens Safe on Facebook, Guide for Teachers: Main Causes of Bullying in School, How Mothers Can Keep their Kids Safe from Abusive Fathers. Because of the fact that this research does not apply to all students, schools should administer flexible scheduling. View on SAGE Save to Library Create Alert ideally be those that are somewhat controversial within the school and may include: body . When we consider whether or not to implement a school uniform pot- icy, we need to understand the validity of each proponent's arguments. I like the quote. Parents dream of a teen that is great academically, is good at sports and does household chores whenever asked. On the contrary, school management and teachers regard this behavior as hyperactivity in children, something that needs to be cured and not understood. After trials and errors on two marriages, Janie finally reveals to the reader that the only way to achieve what one wants is to leave all of societys norms and pursue what he or she wants. 83 FEATURES Individuality vs. Conformity: The Issue Behind School Uniforms By Peter Caruso Peter Caruso is a junior high school English teacher in Mesa, Ariz. Conformity should be enforced only to the point where it isnt affecting students mental and physical health due to loss of sleep, increases sociability, and teaches responsibility and independence. Many students across the nation are attending schools that have seven classes during each school day as their schedule, one of them being Conroe High School. Good Essays. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, why this book written by Mark Twain should be on the banned books list in schools and why it is too mature for its students. The second one is to be different (par. 349 Words. On the other side, some professors try to force students into a nine hour school day. For example, a foreign student adopted a new way of life; however, he went back to his previous culture when he went back to his own country. Many schools are now organizing school day schedules to maximize instructional time and minimize non-instructional time, such as recess (Pellegrini & Bohn, 2005). Conformity is the tendency for an individual to align their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors with those of the people around them. The alteration of the school schedule would also decrease productivity in students of all ages. In researching this quotation, I was unable to verify that Mr. About 87 percent of American high school students are chronically sleep deprived, according to a 2006 survey from the National Sleep Foundation. That is why Conroe High Schools principal, Dr. Weatherly, should change the schools schedule to have less, but longer, classes in a single day to create a less stressful environment for the students and teachers benefit. Weed #1Comma, Comma, Comma I know you are writing on demand, but these comma rules must be . According to Let Teenagers Try Adulthood, "By the time those who graduate from high school go on to college and realize what really is at stake in becoming an adult, too many opportunities have been lost and too much time has been wasted." Robert Bartholomew Ph.D. on December 12, 2022 in It's Catching. Public opinions on the length of the school days are different. hbbd``b`f@1> }@B`"@& } ){1012H9q' {X 9 Normative conformity refers to the shifting of behaviors and beliefs resulting from this information gathering. Then, write an essay in which you use this issue to argue the extent to which schools should support Coming home after a long day of school, then having responsibilities to do at home, not to mention some students have after school activities which take up around 2 hours if not more. Raymond A. Thomas Henricks Ph.D. on September 20, 2022 in The Pathways of Experience.