Is this my period? Could you advise please. I came off the pill 3 months ago, I had my usual withdrawal bleed a week or so later then my cycles returned straight away, however they are now only 21-22 days long and my periods are shorter, now 2-3 days. Days after I stopped taking it, I returned to my (relatively) sane, easygoing self. heart attack. Just a break. after that I decided to stop on August 2015 because I took only 5 tablets. While on the pills I felt like I have experienced mood swings, anxiety, lost of interest in sex, and etc. You may want to find support from a functional medicine practitioner or naturopath who specializes in fertility. I was on the pill for six years, took my last pill April 30th this year. Fertility awareness for pregnancy and hormone free contraception, September 24, 2014 by Fertility Friday 192 Comments. After taking the pill fairly consistently for 5+ years I went off of it back in 2012. I didnt know I couldve ovulated that quickly after stopped the pill..I took a hpt yesterday it said negative probably cause its to early but I will test again soonif that was my actually 1st period off the pill I guess I probably ovulated sometime on the 3 week in june if I experienced implantation bleeding or if that was just a 2nd period but just acting kinda crazy, Hi,i take off my pills last monday july 18 because the doctor advice me to stop the pills due to my hypertension my last meanstruation was on july 2 i was worried to become pregnant again because im on the medicine for hypertension and my son was only 7 months old can you give me an advice thanks. Your healthcare provider should evaluate any pain that's accompanied by discharge or lumps as soon as possible. Could I have ovulated since the 18th? I started my period the same day I decided to start taking the pill. They can help with your baby's latch or feeding positions and ensure your breast pump fits correctly. Wishing you the best! It has clarified to me just what I thought about not releasing the uterus lining during taking the pill and now this heavier flow is releasing all that build up. Click here to read the first chapter for free! Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The birth control pill suppresses the production of hormones in the ovariesincluding testosterone which is responsible for sex drive. Stopped pill 3wks ago. These symptoms could be due to a blood clot. If you can't, or the pain and soreness persist for several days, you may need to see your healthcare provider. It is hard to give a specific answer. I am convinced I am pregnant and this was implantation pain or something. Felling pulling in my ovaries, Ive spotted maybe twice but no sign of my period. Have your medical doctor run some tests and perhaps do a detailed ultrasound so that you can get some answers. Difficulty breathing. I went off the pill for several reasons in June. Your email address will not be published. I am thin, eat a Whole Foods plant based diet, take supplements, im gluten-free, soy and dairy free. Im having constant pain every day too since stopping my contraceptive pill. Answers. You might actuallyget your sex drive back! Hie I came off the pill end of November 2015 since then I have been spotting non stopOn March the spotting stopped after 2weeks I was having some pains ,pains like period pains then in the morning I saw my first periods since I came off the pill it was my first period it lasted 4 to 5 there any chances to get pregnant, Hey there..On Tuesday 23rd feb I started using microgynon pills I was taking one pill everyday at 8am in the morning Am 22 yrs old. If i get diarreah or bup after the pill does it mean it didnt work? There are so many things to address after coming off the pill to bring you back to optimal health. Pls what could be the problem. My periods for the first 2 months was fine came for 4 days and stopped, but now there coming and going all the time, 10th-17th, then again 22nd for another 7 days. On the flip side, some may grow more hair, but not necessarily on their heads. For the first time I was ovulating exactly on day 14 of my 28 cycle, I nearly thought I was dying. The hormones in birth . . Im concerned I will be freaking out my hormones even more since I have not been off too long and now jumping back in . Dec Came again normal period (15th Dec) I was on Cerazette and again same thing happened I didnt get any bleeding for 6 weeks after stopping pill and again all pregnancy signs and two weeks late but negative test. After 3 months of using I have finished my last pack and just chucked it! Im 37 and have been on the pill non-stop for the last 20 years. This last couple of days though, I noticed that my nipples are sore especially when touched. Can this be that my cycle is still returning to normal (its been approx 3 months). so yes it is most def. I know this is old but i had a question. 4 weeks after the bleeding stopped i had spotting that ranged from brownish to pinkish only when i wiped, was off and on for 5 days. Have been tired and cold like symptoms with a drastic loss of appetite for 4 or more days now. Changes in Your Body During Pregnancy: First Trimester. Good Day! What do I do..? Hi! Hi, I came off the pill 4 months ago after 10 years on the pill, still no period, boobs have disappeared and now Ive started to gets spots on my forehead. The pain is accompanied by fever or a general unwell feeling. You have to go to a doctor's office or a health center to get it, which may be difficult to schedule. I had my withdrawal bleed for 5 days starting May 6th. Then followed mild cramps I thought I was getting my beriod back but only a reddish-brown discharge came out and its been 3 days now.should I be worried? The only way for me to really determine what is happening with your cycles would be for you to start tracking your cycles. Though many people believe they've gained weight on the pill, research hasn't found a link between oral contraceptive use and weight gain. Also, I dont have any underlying medical condition like PCOs or endometriosis. We conceived successfully after a miscarriage. It is FREE! Trauma to your nipple during sex or from nipple piercings can cause pain and irritation. Contact dermatitis is caused by products or irritants touching your skin. ': Causes Of Sudden Menstrual Cycle Irregularities, Missed Period But Not Pregnant: Possible Reasons For A Late Menstrual Bleeding, Implantation Bleeding: A Very Early Pregnancy Sign, Trying to conceive after the contraceptive pill. Call your healthcare provider if you develop other symptoms and nipple pain, such as lumps in your breasts or discharge from your nipples. I have stopped taking the pill when I realised that it may be the cause for my unusual state it has been about 1 month since I stopped the intake of oral contraception and I feel my levels of anxiety changing at all times, from low to high and I am specifically anxious about future, past and my relationship with my partner, which I feel has become quite distanced, and I often overthink everything we talk about and everything he says to me, and perceive it in a negative manner My life has mostly come back to normal after stopping the pill but not yet perfectly back to how it used to be Is it supposed to be like this? I was taking Microgygeon Pill (Not Sure of Spelling) for 8 years. Fertility and Sterility. I only seem them when I wipe myself. ;-). I came off the pill in August 2016 because my husband and I decided to try for a baby. Some people who had hormonal-related hair loss (as a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, for example) before they went on birth control might notice that it returns when they go off the pill. But the pill doesnt treat the root causes of thesesymptoms it offers temporary relief, and even though the main reason for the birth control pill is preventing pregnancy scores of women (and teenage girls) take the pillas a wayto managethese symptoms among others. I am still having some of these symptoms. "It gets rid of fluid weight." These pills include popular brands such as Yasmin and Yaz. Was on it for about 5 months. Hello there, I feel truly blessed to have come across your page. If the cause cant be determined, your provider may order a mammogram or ultrasound to look at your breasts. Im also very concerned because Im reading that it can take months for a normal cycle and I have been starting my period every fourth wednesday for years. Since your period isnt a real period but a withdrawal bleed you can start taking your pill at any time. My best suggestion is to work with a functional medicine practitioner like an acupuncturist or a naturopathic doctor at least 3 months prior to coming off the pill. stopped taking birth control pill 3 days ago, thought might be pregnant, now cramping and spotting, eggwhite discharge with stomach cramping and sore nipples, bleeding after stopping birth control pills -Yasmin, missed period, sore nipples, feeling sick, sore nipples after finishing depo injection. Went off the pill last month after 4 years of being on it. After a few more days, and practicing breathing and relaxing, I did get my period Very heavy, could verywell be most likely a miscarriage in the early stagesAlso- CORRECTION i had only taken birth control for 2 weeks, and i am pretty sure i became fertile right after, and my cycle went back to normal quicker then expected. I have been trying to concieve and am scared of getting my hopes up as probably just experiencing side affects of having the implant removed. I am trying to have a baby with my husband. Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more. Yet, I saw your information about not having sore breasts, which I have. This may be a welcome change as your breasts may be larger and fuller as a result, but after going off the pill you may notice that your breasts arent sore and tender and they may decrease in size. I started birth control 6 years as a contraceptive. How Women Sometimes Don't Know of Their Pregnancy Until It's Time to Give Birth. A year later (September 2015) I had pregnancy symptoms and a late period with heavy, painful bleeding again but the ultrasound showed no cysts and pregnancy tests were all negative. Is possible my cycle will return the next month after stop taken it? Then it came back 2 weeks later, and went away for a couple of days, then back again. If you think you may be pregnant, the only way to confirm is by doing a pregnancy test. Is this normal? Have you started charting your menstrual cycles? I know youve got alot of questions, but I really need answers! The next day I stopped taking the pill. Blessings on Dec 26 2016 first day of my mimmic period i decided to came off the pill, my spotting lasted on 2nd of Jan 2017, after 2 weeks i felt cramping and having sore nipples then had my spotting on 31st of Jan and on 5th of Feb it started to get a bit heavy like a normal period that from liners to pads and it stops on the 8th (today) is it still withdrawal bleeding?, how many more months should it take to have withdrawal bleeding?? I feel little cramps n breast tenderness..Advise me please. I usually only bleed very lightly for one or two days top. But I stopped using it on wenesday 2nd March last week because my boyfriend travelled to Dubai Combination About a week or so later I had a water infection which unfortunately appeared some bleeding. Nausea/Vomiting. Hi, how are you? Your menstrual period will stop once you begin the new pack of pills. However, breast tenderness can also be a side effect of being on the pill, said Guirlaine Agnant, MD, chair in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Montefiore Mount Vernon Hospital in Mount Vernon, NY. When you work with an instructor or go through one of my programs, you can start using the method after one full cycle provided you feel comfortable. If you are experiencing stretchy mucus it could be associated with ovulation. Your ovaries are more . I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts a year and a half ago after having a severely heavy and painful period. Hi Brandi, there are no quick answers that I can give you. I was having light bleeding while I was on birth control. Do antibiotics lead to hormonal contraceptive failure? A latch is how your baby is positioned on your breast. Sometimes, you may be given a supply to take home with you. Also i had been diagnosed with pcos thats why i was put on the pill. After three weeks, my menstruation resume, april 3-5. Hi, so i was on the pill for 19 days, on the 15th day of taking it i started to have breakthrough bleeding which lasted for 10 days, 5 days of the bleeding i wasnt taking the pill. Most people notice their symptoms disappear within a few weeks after stopping birth control, but others may experience them for months. Hi there! It would be impossible to give a specific answer without more information. Hi Rihanna, it is hard to say. Home pregnancy test was negative this morning. Wearing a supportive bra. Well sore breasts have a lot of different caues so I am guessing that yours is caused by your period and the combination of that plus giving up birth control. Contraceptive pill can lead women to choose wrong partner:, 2. I just want to ask because I have been off BC for 2 months now after using it for three years. February, when I came off the pill I had my withdrawal bleeding and March I had my menstruation, a week after my period I had spotting where I can consume 2 panty liners a day and lasted several days. Keep in mind though that you werent actually having a real period while you were on the pill. Please, I would be so grateful if you could please answer my question! The pill prevents ovulation and as a result, the period that women experience while on the pill isnot actually a period. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Feel better for coming off it but struggling with the spots etc.. . Im so annoyed with this going on 6 years now (Im 32)! Unfortunately this could be a result of your hormones being out of wack. I now have canker sores and a generally sore mouth (3 weeks without bc) and am trying to figure out if this has to do with my hormones. The only way to know would be to wait 2 weeks and take a pregnancy test to see if it could be ovulation bleeding and if you are pregnant. I stopped taking the pill about a month and half ago, my nipples have been very sore since a week after I stopped the pill. Have you considered seeing a naturopath who specializes in fertility? I have been going out of my mind! Its hard to know. This means 8 in 100 people taking the pill will get pregnant each year. Im quite confused. She is an expert in health, pregnancy, and women's lifestyle. Hi, Im 24, i was on the pill for 5 years. Decided to stop taking them so my last pill was the 9th. Im sorry if it has already been posted and I appreciate all your work and research! You notice a discharge from your nipple (thats not breast milk). I am just confused by the doctors comment about my first period off the pill. I took a pregnancy test about 3 days ago just to see if I could of Came back negative. Most pills contain two types of synthetic (artificial) female hormones: estrogen and progestin. It can take 6 months before there's a decrease in unwanted hair on the face, chest, back, and stomach. Thanks! . On Dec. 16 afternoon light spotting started, continued the next day and stopped that Friday before lunch. Couples with similar genes are more likely to encounter fertility issues, and less likely to stay togethersince odor perception plays an important role in maintaining sexual attraction [1]. I decided to stop the pill after being on it for a year in October. Since Ive been off the pill I have not used any contraceptives including condoms, nothing. I am expierencing the same thing. Its also normal for your cycles not to return normally right away, so this could also just be a sign of your body coming down from the hormones. Similarly, other life events like menopause or beginning puberty can also cause your hormones to shift, triggering side effects like nipple pain. Any advice is immensely appreciated! However, you should contact your provider if: Nipple soreness or pain is common and can be caused by many factors. But i was recently diagnosed with Endometriosis, so i started taking the pill to ease the pain. Am I pregnant? Now I want heavy bleeding. Better known as the mini-pill, these have no estrogen in them and are often prescribed if you're sensitive to combination pills and having side effects. The hormonal changes that occur as part of menstruation can cause breast tenderness and sore nipples. I know my hormones are all out of wack right now from stopping my bc and the symptoms I am going to list might be because of that. Grab your copy of The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility. Avoid salty foods, which may cause your breasts to retain extra fluid. Im just wondering this 2016 my periods became irregular and my cycle took so long. 3. Have you considered working with a naturopath or acupuncturist to get to the root of what is causing your menstrual pain? Thank you so much for your amazing page and for having been actively responding to all those posts for so many years now. Also I am experiencing egg white cervical mucous. How long will I bleed after quitting? x, Healthy menstruation is typically not that light. Then on the 2nd month Aug2016, i got shock to see that i have menstruation again after 1-2weeks rest, and its a bit heavy and continuous like it will never end. Youll have to find a new birth control method you trust. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. I am now bleeding but I would like to know how long this bleeding might last for ? Thanks. 2018;23(3):115-116. doi:10.1136/bmjebm-2017-110804, Girum T, Wasie A. So im giving myself my best shot to clear it and at 31 get to know my body Never disregard or delay professional medical advice in person because of anything on HealthTap. When a woman doesnt ovulate her endometrial lining does not fully develop, and that is why pill-periods tend to be lighter and shorter. is it normal that i am still bleeding after 6 days? (Im now 19). Im confused, It can take several months or even over a year for your hormones to normalize. So, I'd really like to know how you both made out since I have recently stopped taking Yaz and am having the same problem. How To Prevent Pregnancy After Unprotected Sex, Short-term cancer risks associated with oral contraceptives are balanced by longer term benefits, Return of fertility after discontinuation of contraception: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Combination contraceptives: effects on weight, Noncontraceptive use of oral combined hormonal contraceptives in polycystic ovary syndromerisks versus benefits, Use of estrogen-containing contraception is associated with increased concentrations of 25-hydroxy vitamin D. I am experiencing the same nipple problem and wondered if it was coming off the pill. Am I not ovulating. How to get pregnant fast after birth control, Getting pregnant after the birth control pill, How to get pregnant quickly after birth control. ah! This is because estrogen and progesterone cause your breast tissue to swell. Hi there! When you first stop taking oral contraceptives, it's not unusual for your period to be a little unpredictable in terms of how heavy or light it is, how long it lasts, or how crampy you get. Youd have to take a pregnancy test to be sure! also sometimes feeling nauseous.. is it because of stopping the pills? I sometimes get a bit of cramping during this time as well. I really want to remove my pills.